Help students finish their education!

The Radboud Foundation supports Radboud University students who are unable to complete their studies for financial reasons. We do this by providing scholarships to those who need it most. In this way, we try to ensure that no student is forced to abandon his or her studies. Would you like to support our cause? On behalf of the students, thank you!

Study problems are often caused by a combination of personal problems, health problems, psychological problems and/or family circumstances. These problems can eventually lead students toward a vulnerable financial position. Most students are already operating on a tight budget, so financial setbacks hit them particularly hard. When students have no possibility of getting support from their family and friends nor the possibility of claiming study financing, they are on their own. In some cases, this can jeopardise their studies, for example if they are unable to pay their tuition fees.

In these cases, students can apply for a financial contribution from the Radboud Foundation. You can help fund a scholarship by making a donation. Thanks to these donations, students are able to complete their studies.

Are you a student facing financial problems? Your student counsellor can help you with the application procedure for a financial contribution.

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€500 23-01-2025 | 09:08 Een helpende hand in moeilijke tijden, kan het verschil maken
€7.50 20-10-2024 | 20:14 To: Running for the 'Law outside of the Classroom' Initiative
€15 19-10-2024 | 06:45 To: Running for the 'Law outside of the Classroom' Initiative
€50 18-10-2024 | 12:47 To: Running for the 'Law outside of the Classroom' Initiative Great Anna! All law students should have the opportunity to fully take part in inspiring learning experiences like these, which help them to delve deeply into theory and practice, for a purpose beyond a grade, work in teams and reflect on their roles in society. Indeed, these should not be opportunities just for those with wealthy parents. As another donor wrote: ‘If the government's cuts make it impossible to support the students, we must find other routes’.
€25 18-10-2024 | 05:35 To: Running for the 'Law outside of the Classroom' Initiative C'est une noble cause. Il faut la soutenir! Bravo Anna!