MINE project - Mapping identity, needs and emotions in ADHD

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What does it mean – living with ADHD symptoms – beyond the quirky, dreamy, impulsive or “disruptive” behaviours that get “treated away” with behaviour-focused therapy and medication?

In clinical practice, Leentje Vervoort and Anouk Scheres (both assistant/associate professors, psychologists and researchers at the Behavioural Science Institute at the Radboud University) often see young adults with ADHD symptoms who have limited sense of who they are, what they feel and what they need. They seem to have lost their sense of identity and the connection with their emotions and needs – with all the long-term risks that come with not listening to your own needs and boundaries and dreams.

In the MINE project, the team shines a light onto these under-researched aspects of everyday struggles of people with ADHD symptoms: by listening and amplifying the stories people with ADHD share.

Supported by a project grant by the Anna Terruwe Fonds, we aim to strengthen the evidence base for the role that identity, need-awareness and -fulfilment, as well as and emotion-awareness, may play in ADHD.

On the longer horizon, the team - Leentje, Anoukd and guest researcher Enja Jung - will also organize a symposium in 2026 for people with ADHD, scientists, clinicians, caregivers and the public to connect science and society, premiering a short movie with stories of people with ADHD.


Want to stay in the loop?

Are you living with ADHD symptoms and want to share your story or are you interested in our symposium?

Reach out to us by emailing mine-project@ru.nl  and we’ll keep you in the loop about this project!


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€20 13-10-2023 | 12:45
€10 10-10-2023 | 16:28
€15 25-09-2023 | 13:51
€25 20-09-2023 | 08:30 Ik heb gedoneerd omdat ik het super belangrijk vind, dat mensen met ADHD niet gestigmatiseerd worden maar dat er juist ook aandacht komt voor onze unieke positieve eigenschappen, waardoor we dingen kunnen die anderen juist niet kunnen.