Help us inspire children in Namibia!
Thank you for supporting us!
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Thank you! - You will receive regular newsletters about the project, the schools visited and the reactions of children and teachers.
23 donors
Thank you! - You will receive regular newsletters about the project, the schools visited and the reactions of children and teachers.
35 donors
Invitation for a lecture! - You will receive regular newsletters about the project and an invitation to attend a lecture by one of our astronomers at Radboud University.
26 donors
Invitation for a lecture! - You will receive regular newsletters about the project and an invitation to attend a lecture by one of our astronomers at Radboud University.
16 donors
Visit the mobile planetarium in Nijmegen! - You will receive regular newsletters about the project and an invitation to visit the mobile planetarium in Nijmegen.
2 donors
Visit the mobile planetarium in Nijmegen! - You will receive regular newsletters about the project and an invitation to visit the mobile planetarium in Nijmegen.
2 donors
Your name on the planetarium! - You will receive regular newsletters about the project, an invitation to visit the mobile planetarium in Nijmegen and your name will be displayed on the planetarium.