Goodbye gift Daniël Wigboldus

Student life is a hugely formative period. Students develop as a scientist, with a professional background and an open-critical view. But they also develop as a person. I am convinced that an active student life has a positive effect on the development and well-being of students. That is why I would like to call on you to support the Radboud Student Fund.

The Radboud Student Fund subsidises initiatives that have a long-term impact on Nijmegen students or student life and that are in line with the strategic themes of Radboud University. Such as, for example, the Open Book Foundation, which is committed to making mental health problems among young people more open to discussion by sharing experience stories of young people. Or the Community Garden on campus, where students and staff can work in the vegetable garden, find peace and meet each other. Or Radboud Welcomes Newcomers, which offers refugee students the opportunity to develop their talents and broaden their knowledge. In this way, we make a social contribution to the integration of students who have been forced to leave their country of origin.

In my years at Radboud University I have been committed to the quality of education and research, and to training young professionals who are part of tomorrow's solutions. Do you have a warm heart for students and student life? You can't give me a greater gift than a donation to the Radboud Student Fund.

Thank you!

Daniël Wigboldus

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€25 29-11-2024 | 10:51 Voor Daniel, veel dank voor de samenwerking!
€50 22-11-2024 | 11:36 Dank voor de goede samenwerking in al die jaren en ik kijk uit naar mogelijke verdere samenwerking vanaf 2025!
€50 20-11-2024 | 20:22
€25 20-11-2024 | 14:30
€50 18-11-2024 | 11:52 Daniël ten voeten uit. Een groot hart voor alle studenten